Free Advertising For Your Business Will Boost Your Online Profits!

Although you will never receive the same quantity of traffic as you could with paid advertising, free business opportunity ads can still bring in traffic. However, just because it doesn\’t cost anything to place an ad, doesn\’t mean that it will not cost you significantly in time.

Some of the old standbys of free advertising used to be excellent: Free For All Lists, free classified ads, newsletter ads and forum posting.

For instance, take the Free For All Lists. How it works, is on a specific website, you could place a link to your website for free. The problem is that when someone else inserts a link, theirs would be placed above yours.

As these lists became more popular, the advertisers began to receive less and less traffic. Also, how would any real customer find the web page? Why would they want to visit a webpage that just has a bunch of links? As a result, FFA lists become more or less worthless.

So, why is it so hard to find quality free business opportunity ads?

It\’s a question of supply and demand. As more and more advertisers try and attract customers, a visitor\’s attention becomes more and more valuable.

We have found only a few ways that you can successful create any sort of traffic from free sources in a short period of time.

1. Posting on Discussion Forums

Most discussion forums allow you to post your information about yourself and website below your post at the discussion forum. This allows you to create a name for yourself online and people who are interested in what you have to say, or your small blurb at the bottom of your post can visit your website for more info.

Let me be clear that I am not saying you should post your advertisements on a bunch of different forums expecting to get results, that usually is not successful and will earn you a bad reputation.

2. TrafficSwarm

We have used an huge number of the free traffic exchanges and traffic generation tools, and most of them are worthless. Usually, the \”traffic\” you receive is useless and of extremely low quality.

Essentially, how this service works is that you can surf for traffic or generate traffic by putting their url on your home page. Both of these will earn you traffic. You earn points and then you can place your free business opportunity ads on a home page and receive visitors who actually choose YOUR ad from the webpage.

Most other services just randomly select sites that you have to see, which is not a targeted way to receive traffic.

Best of all the sign up is free, so you can try it out for yourself and see exactly how good you think the service is.

Free Advertising For Your Business

Click here to place free business opportunity ads at TrafficSwarm.

3. Write Content-Based Articles

If you are an expert or experienced in a particular field, you can get free exposure and traffic by writing an article on a specific topic and then submitting them to e-zines or websites that accept high quality article submissions.

At the end of the article, you are able to include a free business opportunity ad about what you do and where they can contact you. Again, this builds a reputation for yourself and in turn will deliver free traffic for your business.

If you are consistent with the above avenues to get out free business opportunity ads, then you can be successful over time. However, it takes a lot of work and the results will never be huge.

If you are serious about building a business, and you want consistent and high-volume results, then you will have to pay to advertise. There is just no other way that you will be able to generate the results that you desire.

Here is the key…

Instead of searching the internet for free advertising for your business, all you have to do is find a paid advertising medium that will earn you a profitable return on your investment.

Let\’s say that you are looking to earn $500 a month with some product. Now let\’s say that a month of advertising your product online costs you $1,000. However, with that $1,000 you earn $1,500 in revenue!

Although you had to pay to advertise, you still earned that $500 a month you were looking for ($1,500 – $1,000 = $500). This is a much easier procedure than attempting to earn that $500 with free traffic. Also, it is much easier to track what works and what doesn\’t and which advertisements you want to keep putting your money into.

So which Paid Advertising Do You Choose?

The absolute best advertising opportunity for small businesses in terms of cost per sale, time spent to establish an account or ease to modify your campaign while in motion is pay per click search engines.

Again, I do recommend using some of the opportunities to place free business opportunity ads, but I also recommend using pay-per-click search engines to increase your traffic and your profits.


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